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Changing the Supervision End Date

The Supervision End Date serves as a Case Closure Notice Due date.   This date should ALWAYS be a future date for active cases.  Including 'tolled' cases.  

From the supervised individual’s profile, users can locate the change feature from the Compact Cases tab.


Click on the change hyperlink, update the “Supervision Ends On” field, and click submit to record the change.


Q: When changing the supervision end date, is an email generated to notify the receiving state? And, what's the best way to provide information to the receiving state so they can inform the supervised individual about why the term of supervision was modified?

A: As the sending state determines the length of supervision, modifications may be necessary for a variety of reasons.  These reasons may include sentencing miscalculations, good time credits, etc.  An email is sent to the receiving state upon modification of the supervision end date and it is best practice for the sending state to follow up with a Compact Action Request selecting 'Supervision Update/Request' as the specialization.




See Training Bulletin 5-2008i for additional information

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