Before taking any action, be sure to review the records!
Prior to initiating a merge request, please ensure that all cases are historical (either withdrawn or closed). When approving a merge request, carefully review the record and disapprove it if a new active case is created while the merge is pending.
Profile #1
Profile #2
*CAUTION: If any cases are active (pending, accepted, rejected) on either profile, the user must choose the move function.
Typically, the source profile should contain historical cases (closed or withdrawn), that will be moved to the destination profile, which holds the active case(s) (pending, accepted, rejected.)
The destination profile should contain the most current and accurate supervising status, ensuring that the default supervising user is selected for the supervised individual's record.
Other important considerations:
- Ensure any 'Pending' cases involved in a move are needed and are not 'junk' (duplicate or no transmitted activities) Never Move or Merge Junk or Duplicate Cases
- Initiate a move after Notices of Departure and Arrival are transmitted so the accurate supervising user is selected.
- Consider Delete instead of using Move (require re-entry of case information) if the following apply:
- NOD/NOAs have not been completed on the Destination Profile
- Multiple cases exist on the Source Profile (each requires separate moves and can be tedious)
- DO NOT reassign the 'supervising user' role while the move is in process. Although email notifications are sent to states involved in the move, users may need to contact the relevant state to expedite the processing of the record.
- Only states that are affiliated with the Source Profile can initiate a move. Users must contact those states to initiate a move if a state is only affiliated with the Destination Profile.
Deletion of the supervised individual should be used to remove any "junk" or duplicate records, as well as records without transmitted activities. Even if there are transmitted activities, it may be easier to delete the newly created profile rather than process a move. In such instances, work with the sending state that created the duplicate record.
Profiles without any cases, can only be deleted by the national office. Submit those deletion requests as a new helpdesk ticket.
Here's how to identify those cases from the Duplicate Report.
Additional Tips
Don't Overlook 'Pending Items' awaiting review by your office
Print All' when processing merges, deletes, or case moves.
Be sure to perform the “Print All” function prior to submitting or consenting to any merge, delete, or move case request in ICOTS. ICOTS and the National Office only retain the audit trail of who acted, not the data altered. Records should be retained (electronic or hard copy) following your own state policies and procedures.
Use the comment boxes to document your review.
I am getting an 'Error The delete request is being constructed.' What does this mean?
This occurs when a user 'backs out' of the initial screen to start a move, merge, or delete. This can be corrected by entering '/edit' at the end of the URL. For example:
The URL in the address bar will look like this:
Adding "/edit" to the end of the URL will make it look like this:
This screen will allow you to finalize the request.
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