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User Administration and System Access

Who uses ICOTS?

Each member state determines and administers its users. For most states, users are:

  • Line staff responsible for supervision of transferees
  • Compact office staff responsible for review and compact compliance
  • State administrators responsible for user administration and data integrity

How do I get access to ICOTS?

To request access to ICOTS, please contact your state administrator. Prior to accessing ICOTS, all users must complete training on the platform, the ICOTS Privacy Policy, and the ICAOS rules. Upon initial login, every user is required to electronically agree to the ICOTS Privacy Policy.

Where do I log into ICOTS?

ICOTS's direct login is

Frequently asked questions regarding user administration and accessing ICOTS:

What is the purpose of the ICOTS Privacy Policy? Do all users have to sign the agreement or just the agency?

  • The Privacy Policy and user agreement apply to all users accessing the system, including administrators at the National Office and any agencies or individuals granted access to the system or its data. Users must read, understand, and electronically agree to the policy upon their initial log-in to their user account. 

How can I get assistance to reset my password?

  • On the ICOTS login screen, there is a link labeled “What was my password again?”. Click this link and enter the requested information. A temporary password will be emailed to you, but please note that this link is only valid for 20 minutes. For further assistance, see First Time Login Guide.

Will we be able to assign an incoming investigation to a generic email address? In our state, many counties have separate compact email addresses where we currently send all TIRs, allowing staff to sign out investigations from there. This ensures that if one staff member is out, others can access the email inbox.

  • While ICAOS recognizes the benefits of having a generic account, creating a generic user would violate CJIS security policy. However, you can set up email rules to forward messages from ICOTS to your generic email account.

If we don't have a way to generically assign an investigation to a county and have to send it to a specific person, what happens when that person takes a vacation?

  • A Supervisor or Compact Office user can reassign the activity or case from the Manage Case Load screen.

How do I set up additional users for ICOTS?

How do I delete a user for ICOTS?

  • You cannot delete a user in ICOTS, but you can mark them as inactive if they terminate or are on extended leave. To do this, access the user’s account and select “Deactive”. If the user has cases assigned to them, you’ll need to reassign those cases to new parole/probation officers before the system will allow you to de-activate the user.

Is it possible to assign our local Designees as Compact Staff for purpose of reviewing cases or do we stick to the PO Support, PO, and PO Supervisor for the local titles?

  • No one outside of the state compact office should have the role of compact office staff. That role allows the user to approve transfer request, approve reporting instructions, make official decisions on compact cases and communicate with the receiving state.
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