Upon selecting "Notice of Arrival" either from the 'Assistants' or the 'Offenders' tab, the user will be asked if the supervised individual arrived in the receiving state.
If the user selects "No", they will be directed to the Notice of Failure to Arrive (NOFA) activity.
The NOFA shows up on the activity history and the PDF as "Notice of Failure to Arrive".
Once a Notice of Failure to arrive (NOFA) is transmitted, the sending state Parole Officer (PO) and sending state compact office both receive an email notification that the supervised individual failed to arrive in the receiving state. Note: This action also triggers 'Warrant Needed' emails.
The sending state can withdraw the compact case and enter a new warrant status on the supervised individual's profile or the receiving state can transmit a valid Notice of Arrival (NOA) when the supervised individual does arrive.
*Cases in Need of Arrival Notice Report - Some states have asked why cases with a NOFA still appear on this report. A NOFA does not preclude the need for an arrival notice on the case, it only documents in ICOTS that the supervised individual did not arrive in the receiving state on or around the date to report. A subsequent Notice of Arrival (NOA) can still be submitted by the receiving state, moving supervisory authority to the receiving state PO and thereby completing the transfer process. Also, there seems to be confusion about using this report as an "Overdue" report. Since the rules do not dictate the length of time required to transmit an NOA, the report can't deem them 'overdue'. The report only indicates that a Notice of Departure was sent and ICOTS expects a NOA on the case.
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