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Request for Reporting Instructions to Return to a Sending State

Returning to a Sending State occurs for 3 reasons:

  • The transferee requests to return to the sending state.
  • The transferee was granted reporting instructions during the transfer investigation and the transfer is denied (no subsequent transfer will occur).
  • A return in lieu of retaking occurs (behavior requiring retaking ONLY).

Workflow Processes for Return to Sending State RFRI - The Return to Sending State RFRI activity is initiated by the assigned user in the receiving state and includes three items in the activity checklist:

  • Returning Offender's Residence
  • Returning Offender's Employment / Means of Support
  • Departure Information



When a receiving state PO initiates an RFRI from the supervised individual's profile, the Returning RFRI activity will be created as long as they select the radio button "allowing an offender to return to sending state?".


On the Assistants tab for creating an RFRI, selecting "for an offender who wishes to return to a state that transferred their supervision" will create the new Returning RFRI activity, instead of the normal RFRI.


The activity includes:

  • the Intended Return Date,
  • A comment field should include the supervised individual's reason for returning and other relevant information as needed.  The receiving state can also use this field or the attachment field to explain why information such as the returning address is 'unknown.'  





Training Notes: 

  • Remind users to submit a Notice of Departure and Case Closure upon departure of the supervised individual.  For cases in which the returning address is 'unknown,' failure to send the Case Closure before the Notice of Arrival (by the sending state) changes the primary address of the offender to 'NULL,' preventing the creation of a subsequent Case Closure.  The sending state should update the address in ICOTS. 
  • The new Return RI process uses the same PDF format as traditional RI's.  Therefore, some fields will be blank on returning RI's as data fields are more limited.  For example, the receiving state may provide supplemental residence information such as who will reside with the supervised individual in the sending state.  As the new return RI process does not capture this information in a designated field, it is uploaded as a comment/attachment and will not appear on the PDF.



Q:  If return reporting instructions are requested and the supervised individual changes his/her mind, how do I withdraw the request?

A:  Managed activities with replies such as a request for return reporting instructions can be withdrawn prior to a reply from the sending state.  The assigned user in the receiving state can withdraw the request from the supervised individual's profile screen. 

  • If the sending state has replied (approving the request,) the sending state can withdraw the approval to prevent the case from showing a return date on the Cases in Need of Notice of Departure Report.  For reminder tips on this report, see the article below.

  • If the Notice of Departure has been submitted, there is no action needed other than noting the status of the case on the supervised individual's profile.  
  • If the Notice of Arrival has been submitted, the supervising state is permanently changed to the sending state on the ICOTS record.  If the supervised individual does not return, the case must be reentered into ICOTS.

As a reminder withdrawing activities is a permanent action.  


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