Is there a way to withdraw a notice of departure? ICOTS doesn't show the withdraw button. The supervised individual didn't leave and the receiving state doesn't want to do the arrival notice.
Some compact activities, like departure notices (NOD) and arrival notices (NOA), can't be deleted or withdrawn once submitted to the other state. The reason they can't be deleted is that once those activities are submitted, they are instantly received by the other state.
As a training note and to effectuate the tracking component of ICOTS, the NOD should be sent on the date (or as close to the date as possible) that the supervised individual departs your state. The same applies to the arrival notice. In managing a case where a NOD or NOA was submitted too early, the national office recommends communicating further with the other state on the offender's departure via a Compact Action Request (CAR) so all information on the location of the supervised individual is captured in ICOTS.
If the supervised individual is never going to arrive in the receiving state, then the entire compact case needs to be withdrawn or closed depending on the activity.
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