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Progress Reports Due within 30 Days of Request

ICAOS Rule 4.106 requires the receiving state to submit a progress report within 30 calendar days of request.  For all cases considered active, ICOTS generates reminders and facilitates due dates to assist states with compliance with this rule.   

Q: The sending state requested a progress report.  Our state just submitted a progress report; however, a report remains on the compact workload resulting in overdue notifications.  

A: This usually means that the receiving state user created a duplicate progress report instead of submitting the report generated by the specialized Compact Action Request.  Simply deleting the remaining progress report removes the activity from the compact workload. This should not negatively affect a state's compliance.  

Q: We continue to receive notifications indicating that a requested progress report is due or overdue; however, there are no action items or recent progress reports listed in the supervised individual's case activity profile.

A: This usually indicates that the receiving state user unintentionally deleted the progress report generated by the sending state's specialized Compact Action Request. The receiving state can easily rectify this by creating a new progress report to meet the requirement.


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