A Case Closure Notice initiates closure of a compact case in accordance with Rule 4.112. A Case Closure Notice notifies that the receiving state has ceased supervision/supervisory responsibilities for the supervised individual.
Case Closure Reasons
Early discharge from supervision from sending state
Term of supervision has ended
Offender has returned to sending state
Serving new sentence in receiving state
Retaken by sending state
Notification of death
Other (e.g. Subsequent state transfer or apprehension, duplicate case, various administrative reason, etc.)
Case Closure Reply
Due within 10 business days of Case Closure Notice.
Do not ‘Invalidate’ a Case Closure Notice to communicate or request documentation (rather send a Compact Action Request.)
When ‘invalidating’ a Case Closure Notice due to error in Supervision End Date, follow up with the sending state assigned user to prevent the error on future cases as well as the receiving state’s compact office to communicate the imposed corrective action and promote improved case management in the future.
Other important notes
Supporting documentation is important and may look different case to case. Examples may include:
Death certificate or obituary when supervised individual is deceased;
Sentencing documentation for new conviction sentence or change in term of supervision; or
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