A Transfer Request is required for every Compact transfer of supervision; see Rule 3.107. Be sure to VERIFY all information entered. See ICAOS’s Verification Tips Sheet.
Required for All Transfers
- Intended departure date (manage date via the Profile screen's Compact Cases tab prior to departure)
- Reason & detailed justification for the transfer
- Demographic information (all known identifiers) e.g. Date of birth, FBI #, State ID, etc.
- Address of individual, sponsor, and others residing in home (if applicable)
- Employment and/or detailed means of support
- Instant Offense Details: Upload a police report or court document. Alternatively, type a narrative describing the offense in detail
- Signed/witnessed application for transfer: Download from ICOTS or the ICAOS website
- Conditions of supervision: Upload the judgment, a sentencing order, or enter conditions manually
- Photo: See primary photo requirements. Other photos may be uploaded
Required if applicable, exists, and is available
(unless distribution is prohibited by law)
- Pre-sentence investigation
- Supervision history (if on supervision for more than 30 days prior to request for transfer)
- Victim information & protective order documentation
- Financial obligations e.g. court fines/fees, restitution, child support, etc.
- Gang affiliation
- Prison discipline and mental health summary (if incarcerated anytime during the last 2 years)
- Sex Offenders (See Rules 1.101 (definition of ‘sex offender’ & 3.101-3)
- All assessment information, including sex offender specific
- Additional victim information (name, sex, age and relationship to the offender and the statement of the victim or victim‘s representative)
- Sending state’s current or recommended supervision and treatment plan
Note a receiving state may request additional items needed for supervision (e.g. court order/judgement) following acceptance of the compact transfer. Provide the requested documents within 30 calendar days.
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