FY 2018 ICOTS Photo Audit
This year's compliance report included an audit of all ICOTS offender photos uploaded with a transfer request between July 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017. The compliance letter included overall pass and fail percentages, but you can view more information on how your state performed in the ICAOS Dashboards. Two new dashboards were created to give states both a summary of their photo audit data and a detailed list of each photo reviewed in the audit.
Upon first logging in to the ICAOS Dashboards, you can see links to the new dashboards at the top of the compliance section, as well as linked under the compliance folder on the left hand side of the page.
Photo Compliance Summary
The dashboard titled "Photo Compliance Summary - FY 2018 Audit" gives you an overview of how your state performed. The current level of compliance is 95% passing and higher.
From the overall pass/fail numbers, to a breakdown of the reasons photos passed with issues or failed entirely.
The dashboard also displays 3 examples of each category of photo (All Pass, Pass w/ Issues, & Fail). Typically the photos in the "All Pass" category met all the criteria for photo quality in the ICOTS Privacy Policy.
Another feature on the photo summary dashboard is the ability to view the users that uploaded the most failing photos in your state, followed by a breakdown of supervisors, and then a breakdown by counties. This data may allow you to target problem areas or users for follow up or training.
Photo Compliance Details
The dashboard titled "Photo Compliance Details - FY 2018 Audit" gives you a detailed list of how each photo uploaded by your state was audited.
The table displayed lists the following fields:
- Offender ID - Unique ICOTS offender number, each offender ID could have more than one photo
- Offender Photo - Image from ICOTS that was audited, will display as a URL if the data is exported to CSV
- State - The state that uploaded the photo
- Pass Level - One of three values (pass, pass with issues, fail)
- Failure Tags - Tags assigned by the photo recognition software identifying possible issues with the photo
- Uploaded By - Email of user that uploaded the photo to ICOTS
- Photo Upload Date - Date the photo was uploaded to ICOTS (between 7/1/17 and 12/31/17)
- Orientation - Either 'Portrait' or 'Landscape'
You can filter the list of photos by their pass level at the top of the screen. Selecting "fail" will only show you the photos from your state that failed the audit. Selecting "pass with issues" will only show you the photos that passed the audit but had issues with one or more of the quality criteria in the ICOTS Privacy Policy.
The list can also also be adjusted using the many filters on the right hand side of the page.
Should you wish to export the detailed list, make sure to click the small icon with the three lines at the top right of the table, and NOT the PDF or three line icon at the top of the overall dashboard (those won't work). Once you click the correct icon, select "Download" then "CSV File". This format can be manipulated easily in Excel. The images themselves will not be included in the spreadsheet, but a link to view the photo in a web browser will be.
Compliance Review - Q1 2018
The compliance levels for the first quarter of 2018 included in the audit letter can also be viewed in the ICAOS Dashboards.
The "Compliance Summary" dashboard will show you the same data included in the letter as long as you select the date range for Q1 2018 (1/1/2018 - 3/31/2018). Each standard also has a detailed dashboard covering the detailed compliance performance for Case Closures, Case Closure Responses, RI-Replies, Transfer Replies, Violation Responses and Requested Progress Reports.
Duplicate Offenders
The Administrative section on the left hand side of the page includes a dashboard titled "Possible Duplicate Offenders" from which the data included in the audit letter was taken.
The table at the top of the dashboard breaks down the possible duplicate offenders, those without any compact cases, those with pending merge, move, or delete requests, as well as the total number of offenders with active cases. The ratio of possible duplicates to total active offenders from your state is displayed as a percentage in the top right section of the page.
Those offenders on the detailed list below are included because they matched on first & last name in addition to either date of birth or social security number. For offenders with common names, it's possible to appear on this list and not actually be a duplicate record.
If the offender records are indeed duplicates then they need to either be deleted, merged or cases moved from one record to another. If the column "No Compact Cases" has a value of "Y", then you can send a request to the ICOTS Helpdesk at icots@interstatecompact.org for the national office to delete that offender record.
Inactive ICOTS Users
The Administrative section of the menu on the left contains a dashboard named "ICOTS User List" from which the data regarding inactive users in the audit letter was taken.
Users that don't log into ICOTS for 90 days or longer pose a security risk to the application. That's why state administrators are sent notifications when a user has been inactive for more than 90 days.
The data in this dashboard includes a broad overview of all the users in your state. To narrow it down to users that may need deactivation, you can set the filter titled "More Than 90 Days Since Last Login" to "yes". The filtered list can then be exported to a spreadsheet. To export the data, make sure to click the small icon with the three lines at the top right of the table, and NOT the PDF or three line icon at the top of the overall dashboard (those won't work). Once you click the correct icon, select "Download" then "CSV File". This list of users can then be reviewed in ICOTS by a state administrator to determine if the account profile needs to be deactivated.
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