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Managing Compact Office Emails, ICOTS PDFs & Public Web Portal Information

Edit Compact Office Administrator Function

Available to state administrators, 'Edit Compact Office' (available to state administrators) allows for edits to compact office contact information and to change the Compact Office Designee which display on the PDSs generated from ICOTS.   In addition, states can manage ICOTS data shared in the ICAOS public web portal.



Update by selecting "Edit Compact Office" from the available sub-tabs. Your compact office will show up on the page, with an 'Edit' button on the right-hand side.


The "ICOTS System Information" section contains fields for the office address & phone, the compact office designee, and compact office email. The compact office designee is the name of the user that is displayed at the bottom of every compact activity PDF in ICOTS for your state. The compact office email is the address to which all compact office notifications are sent. This can be a single user, like the compact office designee, or it can be a generic email address that goes to multiple people in your compact office.


Who should state's list as a Compact Office Designee?

There is no standard for who is listed as the Compact Designee on Compact Forms, but does need to be an approved ICOTS user in the state's compact office.  States typically list their DCA as the designee.  It is important to note that the designee role is also the user in which cases with reporting instructions requests for those 'living in the receiving state at the time of sentencing' are initially assigned to due to its special workflow.  



The "ICOTS Public Web Portal Information" section contains all the information displayed on the search results for the ICOTS PWP. This information is displayed directly to the public and can be accessed by anyone with web access. Compact Offices can also opt in or out of the public web portal at the bottom of this section.


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