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6-2008i - Case Closure Replies

Training Bulletin 6-2008i explains why an ICOTS must complete a Case Closure Reply before a case is officially closed. 


To prevent states from inadvertently or prematurely closing cases via the Case Closure Notice, a Case Closure Reply exists which acknowledges an agreement from the sending state for a case to be closed.  This activity was also developed for consistency purposes, as the Case Closure is a managed process in ICOTS.  All managed processes require a reply feature to effectuate both the sending and receiving state’s involvement.



Once a Case Closure is received in the sending state, this activity is assigned to a user.  That assignment creates a pending activity for the user to complete in his or her Compact Workload.


 Case Closure Reply Screen


The “Case Closure Details” topic for the reply is the only action screen required when completing this activity.     This is where the sending state can either agree or disagree with the receiving state’s closure.  Comments can be added if appropriate.


Reopening after the Case Closure Reply

After the submission of a Case Closure Reply, the status of the case becomes closed if the sending state agreed.  If needed, the receiving state can reopen the case from the Offender’s Profile screen by checking the historical cases box under Compact Cases and clicking ‘Reopen.’

If the sending state did not agree with the Case Closure, the case remains open on the active workload. 

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Date Votes
  • Why doesn't the CAR show under the compact workload action item when you send a request to close interest or ask for a progress report until there is an answer or the information is sent

  • The CAR will show IF it is pending (not submitted yet).  Only pending action items exist on the Compact Workload.  Completed actions are accessed and reviewed from the offender profile screen under the compact cases tab.  Not all CARs and Progress reports submitted require a response and were not designed to require one.


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